Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to have cool hair- for guys

So a while back I was starting new in my life. I'd just broken up with my girlfriend of 3 years, I was graduating college soon, and I just wanted to find myself in a fresh way. Who was I really now, who did I want to be, what was the next stage in my life going to bring me? These were all questions I had to ask myself. After spending 3 years of your life in a relationship and then having that not be a part of your life anymore, you learn that you've based a lot of yourself on that one person. Now that she's gone though, who was I going to reset and become?
The first thing I wanted to do was grow my hair out. Why? I don't know, I just wanted a bit of a change. I needed a cool factor to help me feel back on top of my game. So I started looking for a new hairstyle that I could try. There were tons of youtube videos on asian guys hairstyles, anime, j-rock, etc... These styles were really cool. But there wasn't much out on the web for white guys, and definitely nothing for redheads.
So taking some inspiration from the asian hairstyle tutorials I was watching, and after coming across some other really cool styles from scandinavia (Sweden and Norway mainly) I decided to give it a go. 
I began messing with my hairstyle a lot. I made a couple of hairstyle tutorial videos, and before long I had gotten tons of views from all over the world. I realized that there are a lot of guys out there looking for unique and cool hairstyles, and by uploading a few videos, I could help inspire someone like I'd been inspired, to try something new and unique. 
So there you have it, a few videos by me on how to have awesome hair. Haha, enjoy and go crazy with your own. 

There are a few more hairstyle tutorials for guys on youtube that I've done. 

Mens hairstyle tutorials, How to have awesome hair, cool haircut, unique hairdo, mens hair, redhead, red, redhair, guys haircut, spiked up hair, short to medium length mens haircut, model hair, rockstar haircut, hairdo, rocker hair, indie band haircut, spiked hair, european hair, anime hairstyle, hair tutorial guys, ginger hair, prince harry, awesome haircut, how to have cool hair, how to look cool

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