Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grindco Entertainment H2X Indoor Watersports Show, Las Vegas, NV May 20-21

Hey all! We're doing a really cool sponsorship with Grindco Entertainment for the upcoming H2X Extreme Indoor Watersports Show. They have the world's largest indoor watersports show, filling up a 500,000 gallon pool and putting in a mix of wakeboarders, trick waterskiers, and jetskiers. This is going to be an amazing show, come check it out, it's inexpensive to get in! We're sponsoring the event and out of that partnernship, our name is now on print ads and tv spots going out everywhere!
Check it out at
Watch the video and listen up at the end for a shoutout to Elevated Clothing!
We're going to rock this as hard as we can, make as many connections as possible, and just love every minute of it.
Keep an eye out for our new promo girls who'll be joining us at the show. We'll have pictures of the event when its all over. Until then, I'm going to go print 350 shirts and try and get over my cold haha. Life is Great though, God is Great, and Family and Friends are Amazing. Thanks for all of your fan support everybody, and don't forget to join us on facebook @Kavadba Clothing Elevated Clothing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brand New Blog on the Rise for Elevated Clothing and Kavadba Clothing

We already have a blog on our website, a blog on facebook, and various other means of getting the word out about our company, but the truth is, it's much easier to have a blog here that we can continuously add pictures to and various happenings with Elevated and Kavadba. Check back in often cause we'll have a lot of cool stuff going on.